Statistics and Surveys

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Here’s a selection of the most popular articles in this section.

Rapid escalation for New Zealand economy - Westpac

17 August 2021 – The latest Economic Overview from Westpac suggests that, while the New Zealand economy has been charging ahead and built up a head of steam, it faces some growing pains and Covid-related uncertainties for a bit longer

2024 Survey - Franchising health check shows strong pulse

Findings of the 2024 Franchising New Zealand survey conducted by the Massey University Business School show that franchising is in solid shape.  

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New Zealand business confidence 2025

As we enter the new year, how confident are we? 

2024 Survey - Franchising health check shows strong pulse

Findings of the 2024 Franchising New Zealand survey conducted by the Massey University Business School show that franchising is in solid shape.  

2012 Franchising New Zealand survey

12 November 2012 - turnover and the number of franchise systems increased, but the number of franchisees was down for the first time

What do franchise buyers really want?

Considerations, concerns, drivers and doubts, experiences and expectations; prospective franchisees across Aotearoa have spoken. With lessons for buyers and sellers alike, the 2024 New Zealand Prospective Franchisee Research survey is the second in a series conducted by Franchize Consultants and Franchise New Zealand media. 

Franchise survey: what a difference a year makes

16 February 2021 – The first Franchising Confidence Index survey since January 2020 shows that franchisors and specialist service providers are feeling much more confident about the year ahead. Although the survey was conducted just before the current rise in Alert Levels, it compares well with the survey from January 2020 when Covid-19 was still a distant cloud on the horizon.

2001 Survey - Sector Tops $10 billion

John Paynter reports the results of the FANZ Survey of Franchising 2001, sponsored by The National Bank

2003 Survey of Franchising - Highlights

The Franchising Survey 2003 is covered in detail below. For our report on the 2024 survey, see Franchising Health Check

The state of franchising in Australia

August 2023 – New report shows strengths and concerns of Aussie franchise sector

NZ attractive to international franchise brands

May 2023 – The latest global ranking of countries by franchise potential shows New Zealand in a top position, slightly out-performing Australia. Why?

What do franchise buyers want?

A new survey has some lessons for prospective franchisees as well as franchisors. Dr Callum Floyd and Adrienne Heard of Franchize Consultants and Simon Lord of Franchise New Zealand media report

Survey review: new franchises require care

SEP 2019 - A large number of new franchises have launched on to the New Zealand market over the last five years. Simon Lord suggests some things to watch out for

Auckland exodus to boost regional business

7 November 2021 – Nearly half of all Aucklanders are considering leaving the city, a survey has found

Rapid escalation for New Zealand economy - Westpac

17 August 2021 – The latest Economic Overview from Westpac suggests that, while the New Zealand economy has been charging ahead and built up a head of steam, it faces some growing pains and Covid-related uncertainties for a bit longer

Retail spend up in July

17 August 2021 - New figures show that retail spending in New Zealand reached $5.2 billion in July 2021 – up 1.6 percent on the previous month, and up 3.8 percent over July 2020, although some categories fared better than others

Economic Overview - mixed blessings

16 February 2021 - Despite a sharp bounce-back in economic activitity, growth will probably be subdued this year. Expect a wider economic lift-off when the border re-opens, says Westpac in its latest Economic Overview

Economy is Extraordinarily Ordinary, says Westpac

20 February 2019 – The latest Westpac Economic Overview, published today, says that the economy is unusually average at the moment. Where will it go from here?

Regions on a roll, suggests economic overview

The latest economic overview from Westpac finds it's 'different strokes for different folks' as regional economies are at their most buoyant in years

Economy 'falling into place'

21 August 2018 – The economy may be slower, but it is moving on to a surer long-run footing, says Westpac

REWRITING HISTORY – and what’s to come for our economy?

20 February 2018 - The latest Quarterly Economic Overview from Westpac deals with ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’ after Statistics NZ revised its estimates of GDP going back several years. But what's next?

Report finds demand for businesses outstrips supply

January 2021 – A new report from ABC Business Sales suggests that the current business sales market is experiencing a significant gap between supply and demand, leading to increased prices. This could make greenfield franchise opportunities more attractive.

One in 20 Kiwi jobs is in franchising

August 2017 - Latest info from the Survey of Franchising reveals that the sector is a major employer and trainer of New Zealanders

Franchisors more positive but challenges remain – survey

8 July 2019 – Dropping the CGT has helped franchise confidence increase, but worries remain about costs and staffing

Reducing the stress of business ownership

18 June 2019 – A new survey shows that running your own business can be stressful and frustrating. How does being part of a franchise help?

Business still nervous despite balanced economy

11 April 2019 – The franchise sector remains nervous about the current business outlook, though more positive than general business

Franchising starts 2019 with hint of optimism

1 February 2019 – Business confidence seems to be creeping back after several quarters of pessimism, and franchising is no exception. The latest Franchising Confidence Index shows improvement in sentiment over the previous quarter towards general business conditions, access to suitable franchisees, operating costs per franchisee and franchisor growth prospects. There are still challenges, but opportunities too.

Confidence concerns continue for franchisors

26 October 2018 - Franchize Consultants’ latest Franchising Confidence Index finds franchisors are continuing to be concerned about possible future challenges, although franchisors still remain more positive than respondents to general business surveys

Shortage of franchisees, staff, limiting growth

5 July 2018 – The availability of suitable franchisees and staff continues to pose problems for franchisors despite positive signs

Maturing economy – positives among the questions

24 May 2018 – The latest Quarterly Economic Overview from Westpac suggests New Zealand is on track for moderate growth over the next few years but there are uncertainties

GDP estimates show widespread regional economic growth

10 May 2018 – The latest GDP estimates from the MBIE show New Zealand’s regions to be growing strongly over the past five years with parts of the South Island standing out in particular

What's ahead? Good, bad and goodness knows

20 April 2018 - Franchisors and service providers report mixed sentiments as business confidence stays low

Business confidence down but franchising more positive

31 January 2018 - Concerns about business confidence are reflected in the latest Franchising Confidence Index survey, but what's really happening?

Economy throttling back but growth to continue

15 August 2017 – The latest Westpac Economic Overview finds rising global interest rates are balanced by rising commodity prices for New Zealand products. Growth will continue but slow by the end of the decade.

Australian franchising:
growing or not?

11 October 2016 - Initial results from the Franchising Australia 2016 survey show that sales and employment within franchising are up slightly since 2014 but numbers are static. Is it out-performing the general economy?

survey finds most new franchisees

A 2011 report by Massey University suggests that over half of all New Zealand franchisees felt they had failed to conduct sufficient due diligence before purchasing their franchise. The survey also suggests that 44% of franchisees spent less than one month researching the opportunity before buying their franchise, and finds that resolving conflict later becomes an issue for many franchisees.

The changing face of franchising

February 2015 - Most buyers of existing franchise units are recent immigrants. What challenges does that pose for franchisors, and where are the opportunities?

Immigrants drive franchise re-sales

December 2015 - Broker says recent immigrants from China and India are the biggest buyers of existing franchised outlets

Staff, franchise buyers and funding could limit growth

April 2017 - A shortage of suitable staff and franchisees, as well as potential funding issues, are the main concerns for franchisors in the year ahead.

Opportunities abound as regional economies grow

31 March 2017 – The latest figures from Statistics New Zealand show growing economic activity in 12 out of 15 regions. That means new business opportunities for franchisees and franchisors.

Stats show which regions growing fastest as immigration drives population growth

21 October 2016 ­– Just four regional council areas accounted for over 75 percent of New Zealand’s population growth last year, Statistics New Zealand said today. Some of that growth comes from a record level of migration to New Zealand.

Number of businesses owned by women skyrockets

October 2016 - More women than ever are owning and operating businesses in New Zealand, with strong performance results across the country


How do the backgrounds, lifestyle, work habits and personal characteristics of franchisees impact on their success? A new survey offers insights and surprises.

population changes present

July 2012 – Slower growth and an ageing client base mean franchises need to tailor their appeal to a predictably-changing market

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