Cleaning Franchises in NZ

Cleaning franchises are one of the most popular ways to get into business. They require only a low investment, and you can often operate a cleaning franchise part-time while you are getting it established.

Window cleanerCommercial cleaning franchises are especially popular as part-time franchises because most of the work is done out of normal working hours. Many immigrants like this option. Both commercial cleaning franchises and home cleaning franchises offer a variety of options – with some, most of the paperwork and invoicing is done for you, while in other cases you do all your own quoting. Some also let you employ others and build a sizeable business as a franchisee.

This means that when you’re looking for a cleaning franchise, it’s important to do more than ask ‘How much does it cost?’ and ‘What experience do I need? Do your research – we recommend putting in an hour of research for every $1000 that you plan to invest. Apart from talking to the franchisor and asking them lots of questions,  it’s also a good idea to talk to cleaning franchisees who are already running the business to get all the information you need before you open your own business.

While there are many good cleaning franchise opportunities for sale, they are all different. Some offer work guarantees or income guarantees, but you need to be clear on what’s really guaranteed. Before making your decision, you should consult a lawyer specialising in franchises.  You’ll also want to know how much you can make from a cleaning business so consult a financial advisor or accountant experienced in franchising.  If you need finance, there are a number of banks which specialise in financing cleaning franchises

Featured Franchise Profiles

A Business to Be Proud Of

Being acknowledged with a 20-year Service Excellence Award recently was a major milestone for Cleantastic franchisees Tao (Wendy) Li and Jianwen Cao

Changed Lives, Brighter Futures

Jani-King is a commercial cleaning franchise that unlocks the true potential in people

Money Spinner

Laundry business operator watches the funds roll in, day and night

The Art of Cleaning

Paramount franchisees find ideal work/life balance and growth

Young Family Striking It Lucky

New baby doesn’t prevent new V.I.P. franchisees learning the ropes

What you need to know

Some useful advice to consider when looking for a Cleaning Franchise

250 questions to ask your franchisor

What do you need to know before you buy a franchise? Here's a comprehensive list of over 250 vital questions to ask the franchisor that will help you make the right decision.

An introduction to franchising in New Zealand

New Zealand has more franchise systems per capita than any other country in the world. Simon Lord provides a guide to this exciting sector

Clean break - Franchisee retires after 24 years

After a career with CrestClean spanning three decades, Christchurch franchisee Grant Holland is taking many memories away from his work as he finally packs up his cleaning equipment. 

Could You Be A Franchisee?

Would you make a good franchisee? Margaret Wyn helps you answer the question for yourself

Guarantees - what do they mean?

Franchises across several sectors are now offering guarantees of work or income levels. What do these guarantees mean? Simon Lord investigates

Home Sweet Home

There are over 2,000 home services franchisees in New Zealand. What is the appeal of this franchise sector, and what should you look for? Simon Lord investigates.

What's The Best Franchise For You?

With hundreds of franchise opportunities to choose from, how do you choose one that's going to perform for you? Here's our road map to starting up in business

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