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Who Can Legally Sell A Franchise?

Do you need special qualifications to sell a franchise? Yes and no - Stewart Germann clarifies the laws about selling franchise opportunities

Franchise agreements could be affected by new business protections – lawyers

26 September 2019 – Andrew Skinner and Khushbu Sundarji of Stewart Germann Law Office discuss the potential impact on franchising of proposed changes to the Fair Trading Act

Legal protections to affect small businesses – and franchising?

24 September 2019 – Proposed changes to the Fair Trading Act would extend current consumer protections against unfair contract terms to apply to business contracts with a value below $250,000

Bill to give 'no undue preference' to franchising

30 October 2018 - A new Cartel Bills report recommends that no allowances be made for franchise relationships, despite strong submissions

Employment clampdown: penalties grow

26 February - Franchisors advised to ensure franchisees compliant as Labour Inspectorate investigations continue

Tax cuts for small business to offset wage increases?

31 October 2017 - Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is looking at offering tax breaks for small businesses to ease the burden of incremental increases to the minimum wage rate over the next three years.

NZ franchisor to pay nearly $200,000 for employment breaches

1 November 2017 – Employment breaches in a series of connected Asian restaurants in Auckland, including the Gengy’s Mongolian BBQ Buffet franchise, have seen the owners face nearly $200,000 of costs.

NBR opens regulation debate again

A recent series of articles in the National Business Review has once again raised the topic of possible regulation in New Zealand’s franchise sector.

Franchise restraints: case-by-case approach means outcomes vary

October 2016 – Deirdre Watson shares three lessons on the most recent High Court cases involving restraints of trade and good faith in franchising

Caught in the Act - Health & Safety

March 2016 - Simon Lord finds new safety legislation can be a bonus for franchisors and franchisees – if you do it right

Cartels Bill to be amended to clarify franchising issues

August 2016 – A law that could have badly affected franchisors and franchisees is to be amended.

World Franchise Council opposes joint employer liability

November 2015 - Jason Gehrke reports on international moves to stave off growing legislative pressure to draw franchisors into employment issues

Review could raise franchise regulation spectre again

29 August 2013 - The Productivity Commission has just announced a review of regulatory regimes in New Zealand which could highlight differences with Australia

FANZ submission seeks automatic exemption from employment law provision

July 2013 – The Franchise Association has proposed that its members should be granted automatic exemption from a change to Part 6a of the Employment Contracts Act

Campaign launched as franchises threatened by legislation

4 July 2013 - 20,000 postcards and an online campaign are being used to put pressure on Government to ensure that proposed law changes don't unfairly impact franchisors and franchisees

MORE NZ LEGISLATION could affect franchisors, franchisees

June 2013 - Two proposed changes with consequences for franchising are currently winging their way through the legislative channels

Condoms or bust? Expectations and compliance in franchising

Gehan Gunasekara asks whether those who buy franchises really know what they are getting into, and suggests proposed changes to consumer law don't go far enough

franchise regulation

Gehan Gunasekara and Tiffany Lee examine the process behind the 2008 Government Review of the possible need for franchise regulation


October 2010 - The Ministry of Consumer Affairs is proposing to extend some elements of consumer law into business-to-business standard form contracts, including franchise agreements.

Symposium Debates Franchise Law Options

June 2009 - The symposium on Franchise Law Reform held at the University of Auckland brought together some of the top legal minds in franchising to debate the options for regulation of the sector.

Good Faith vs. Unconscionable Conduct

July 2009 - One of the topics covered at the 2009 Franchise Law Reform Symposium in Auckland was the possible introduction of the concepts of 'good faith' and 'unconscionable conduct' into New Zealand law. Here, Stewart Germann expands upon the commentary he gave at the seminar.

How much would franchise regulation cost?

June 2009 - Australian research suggests legislation changes cost franchisors $9 million last year alone

Regulation - Hints and Concerns

June 2008 - Work is proceeding behind the scenes on the preparation of a regulatory framework for the franchise sector in New Zealand

What Price Legislation?

September 2007 - Should franchising be legislated? A few years ago, the question would have been met with a resounding NO from the franchise sector.

Commerce Minister's Speech on Franchise Review

August 2008 - The following is the text of the speech by Commerce Minister Lianne Dalziel at the Business Opportunities & Franchise Expo, Auckland, on 16 August 2008

Is Franchise Law A Step Closer?

30 March 2008 - Franchise regulation is on the agenda after several high-profile problems. Simon Lord talks to the Commerce Minister and outlines franchisors' concerns

Strengthening Franchising Through Regulation

December 2007 - Gehan Gunasekara adds his thoughts to the debate on franchise legislation. He argues that New Zealand should follow its own path in developing the content of regulation and that it should enhance the relationship between franchisors and franchisees and their customers.

Legislation: Help or Hindrance? - Your Comments

September 2005 - Readers respond to the article in our latest issue on the possibility of franchise regulation with their comments, experiences and suggestions.

Franchise Association Calls For Positive Regulation

13 February 2008 - The Franchise Association of New Zealand has come out in favour of franchise regulation with calls for six specific recommendations to be included in legislation currently before parliament.

FANZ Address to Franchise Law Symposium

June 2009 -This is the abstract of an address given by Estelle Logan, Chairman, Franchise Association of New Zealand Inc. to the Franchise Law Reform Symposium held at the University of Auckland Business School on 25 June 2009

Regulation Off the Agenda?

March 2009 - The prospect of franchise legislation seems to have receded following last year's review by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Government Decides AGAINST Franchise Regulation

12 June 2009 - The Ministry of Economic Development has today announced that, following last year's Review of Franchising Regulation, the Government has decided that there is no case for franchise-specific regulation at this time.

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