Computer & IT Franchises in NZ

Computer franchises divide into three main types: technical support franchises which help when individual users and small networks have computer problems; software solutions franchises which provide specific development and management of services such as accounting packages; marketing and internet franchises provide website development and other services. Computer franchisees usually need to have interpersonal skills and some sales skills as well as technical ability.

Hands on keyboardThis means that when you’re looking for a computer or internet franchise, it’s important to do more than ask ‘How much does it cost?’ and ‘What experience do I need? Do your research – we recommend putting in an hour of research for every $1000 that you plan to invest. Apart from talking to the franchisor and asking them lots of questions,  it’s also a good idea to talk to computer franchisees  who are already running the business to get all the information you need before you open your own business.

While there are many good computer franchise opportunities for sale, they are all different. Before making your decision, you should consult a lawyer specialising in franchises.  You’ll also want to know how much you can make  from a computer business so consult an accountant or financial advisor experienced in franchising.  If you need finance, there are a number of banks which specialise in financing computer franchises.

What you need to know

Some useful advice to consider when looking for a Computer & IT Franchise

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