Business Profiles

by ERA Group

last updated 04/12/2024

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Time to break free

by ERA Group

last updated 04/12/2024

Corporate management job getting you nowhere? Be your own boss with ERA Group.

Auckland-based ERA Group franchisee Greg Lim remembers his previous roles in sales and marketing. He struggled to quantify any personal impact he was having on a company’s performance. “It could be all a little vague,” he recalls. 

“I would often get stale after working from the same desk for two or three years and started looking for the next thing.”
This all changed when Greg purchased his ERA Group franchise, almost 30 years ago. 

Today, he is kept stimulated and motivated, while earning a solid income and making a tangible difference to his clients. This is no ‘one man band’, however, as a Greg has large ‘collegial support network’ to draw upon, while he enjoys working for a diverse range of clients from across a variety of industries.

Before ERA Group, Greg felt like a small cog in a big wheel. Now, work is more meaningful, he says. He enjoys being able to measure the impact of his own work on a client’s performance and has been able to develop his project management skills, collaborating with, and learning from, many colleagues.

Not surprisingly, ERA Group attracts a broad range of business professionals, from sales and marketing specialists to accountants, project managers, engineers and more, specialising in business strategy and cost management. “As for clients, there’s a huge range of companies that use us, across all economic climates,” explains Greg. 

“In good economic times, it’s more about growing profits. In slow times, companies are keen to get us involved to save money. There’s huge motivation out there right now for companies to use us.”

More resources, brighter future

Training, support and deep resources are what the ERA Group is all about. “The training and support address all your needs, ranging from cybersecurity through to advice on how to sell your practice,” explains Greg.

As a sales and project lead, he’s especially grateful for the sales support he receives and particularly enjoys delving into expense categories, working across different industries. Recent experience in reducing costs across work injury claims management is another ‘learning curve’ he plans to develop as a service offering.

There are opportunities beyond New Zealand, too. ERA Group is now recruiting franchisees across Asia, opening up learning opportunities for franchisees here across numerous sectors.

So, whether you’re wanting to specialise in one sector, or have a broader focus, ERA Group ticks all the boxes.   

See this advertorial on page 12 of Franchise New Zealand magazine Year 33 Issue 04 

Contact details for ERA Group 

For more information and advice on buying a franchise get your FREE copy of Franchise New Zealand magazine. 


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