Advisor Profiles
Franchise News & Events
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Business Profiles
Managing A Franchise System
  Ongoing Development
  Case Studies
  Relationship Issues
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Running A Franchise Outlet
  Business Management
  Financial Matters
  Legal Matters
Research Franchising In NZ
  The Market
  Statistics and Surveys
How to Franchise Your Business
  Developing a Franchise System
  Legal & Financial Advice
  Using a Consultant
  Case Studies
How To Buy A Franchise
   Franchising & You
  Financial Advice
  Legal Advice

Advice Centre

During our many years working within New Zealand's franchise sector, we've learnt a great deal about the market - what works, what doesn't work, and what people involved in all aspects of franchising need to think about to succeed. We encourage you to read about all aspects of franchising in New Zealand, whether you are interested in buying and then running a successful franchised business, or whether you have a business that you have already franchised or are contemplating growing using the franchising model.

New Zealand is the most franchised country in the world per capita, with over 540 franchise brands (many of them home grown), and around 30,000 franchised units. 1 in 22 people in the NZ workforce is employed in franchising. Our Advice Centre provides valuable information to help you research franchising in New Zealand. If you’re interested in buying and running a successful franchised business, the Advice Centre covers everything you need to think about – the pitfalls, the necessities, and the decisions that will affect your choice.

We’ve worked with many franchisors, new and established, large and small, over the years and learned a lot about what makes a good franchise. Our Advice Centre pulls together advice, articles and case studies from local and overseas experts. If you want to franchise your business, there’s lots of information to help and if you are already managing a franchise system we have a good selection of articles from local and overseas experts to help new and established franchisors meet their unique challenges.

If you don't find what you are looking for in our Advice Centre then call or email us so we can help you find the information you need or put you in touch with the right people.

Advisor Profiles
Franchise News & Events
  News Items
  Upcoming Events
  Media Releases
Business Profiles
Managing A Franchise System
  Ongoing Development
  Case Studies
  Relationship Issues
  Legal Matters
Running A Franchise Outlet
  Business Management
  Financial Matters
  Legal Matters
Research Franchising In NZ
  The Market
  Statistics and Surveys
How to Franchise Your Business
  Developing a Franchise System
  Legal & Financial Advice
  Using a Consultant
  Case Studies
How To Buy A Franchise
   Franchising & You
  Financial Advice
  Legal Advice
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