News Items

last updated 08/07/2024

Sad loss to the franchise community

last updated 08/07/2024

8 July 2024 - Franchise New Zealand is saddened to learn of the death of David Munn, one of New Zealand's franchise pioneers

David Munn was with Gaze Burt (originally Gaze Bond & Carden) for 44 years, retiring as Gaze Burt's longest-standing partner in 2020. David was an inspiration to his colleagues in the law profession, a devout Christian, a loving husband, father and grandfather and gave freely of his time to many communities, including the franchise community.

David Munn, recognised in 2015 for
his contributions to the franchise sector

A pioneer in franchise law in its infancy in New Zealand, David Munn also served as Honorary Solicitor for the Franchise Association for over 15 years, offering his time and services for the good of franchising. David was one of those lawyers who looked for solutions rather than confrontations, and his quiet good humour and careful consideration of the real issues made him a tower of strength to successive boards and chairmen during that time. David never sought any recognition for the important role he played in the Association’s growth, making his appointment as a Life Member in 2015 all the more deserved. 

Simon Lord, Franchise New Zealand's founding editor, says that 'David was the best of men, a lawyer who looked to find solutions and build bridges, and a wise counsel to many. He was a regular and thoughtful contributor to Franchise New Zealand over many years, and also a popular attendee at the North Shore franchising peer group meetings where he freely shared his knowledge with everyone.'

Michael Bright, David's close friend and former colleague at Gaze Burt, advised that in his last months, 'David reconnected with many people, spent a lot of quality time with family, wrote some memoirs and celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary. He passed away very peacefully, at home with family on Friday 5 July 2024.'

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