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last updated 29/06/2022

Franchise Conference 2022

last updated 29/06/2022

June 2022 - Future focus backed by impressive line-up of speakers at New Zealand's national franchise conference. Earlybird booking rates are now available until 15 July 2022

The National Franchise Conference has shifted dates from June to August with the aim of holding a physical event again. ‘While the Franchise Awards were very successful online, we know that people get a huge amount of value out of a physical event when it comes to the Conference,’ says Robyn Pickerill, CEO of the Franchise Association. ‘Meeting old friends, making new contacts, asking questions and networking – they’re all so much more exciting in person.

‘The Conference will be held at Te Papa, in Wellington, on 23-24 August and the theme is Stronger together in a new normal. We have a great line-up of speakers and panel sessions catering for everyone from very new franchisors through to the most experienced.’

While speakers are still being confirmed for the new date, some key highlights are expected to be:

International insight from Ned Lyerly, CEO of CKE Restaurants, which operates the giant Carl’s Jr. and Hardees brands with almost 4,000 restaurants in 42 countries. Ned has over 35 years of restaurant operating experience and is a member of the International Franchise Association’s International Leadership Council. He’ll be talking about leadership, innovation and sustainability. 

An important role of a franchisor is to provide credible leadership and keep the franchise culture positive and healthy – a real challenge in the past few years. In this interactive address, psychologist and conference favourite Greg Nathan will provide insights and tips on how franchisor leaders can keep themselves, their teams and their franchisees feeling optimistic and motivated.

Jason Hill of Green Acres and Hire-A-Hubby will share the journey that the companies went through in turning field managers into genuine business consultants. What drove the change, how did the process work and what was the outcome for franchisees? It’s a session that will be fascinating for franchisors and master franchisees from all industries.

Another vital session looks at current trends in Franchisee Financial Information and Planning. Gain insights into franchisee financials, cash flow forecasting, performance monitoring and financial planning from hugely-experienced accountants Philip Morrison and Tristan Will, and franchise banker Daniel Cloete.

In these days of social media and global brands, every franchise needs to know what it stands for, and be ready to defend itself. In The Big Issues, led by Michelle van Gaalen, panellists will look at responses to climate change, carbon zero, supply chain ethics, diversity and cyber security.

Another of these big issues is Modern Slavery. Gary Shaw spent 20 years in the police before joining a human rights organisation and investigating cases of modern slavery around the world, working undercover inside criminal networks. Now Social Impact Manager at KMD Brands (Kathmandu, Rip Curl and Oboz), Gary will look at the risk to brands, and factors that facilitate positive social and economic transformation.

‘With technology entrepreneur Sir Ian Taylor lined up to give the closing address, this will be a Conference full of valuable advice, fascinating insights and world-class inspiration,’ says Robyn. ‘Registrations will open in early May so make sure you get in early.’

Find out more and register here


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