News Items

last updated 30/04/2024

New faces at Franchise New Zealand

last updated 30/04/2024

March 2024 – Meet the growing team behind Franchise New Zealand

Heather Barker Vermeer and Stu Sutherland

There are a couple of new faces here at Franchise New Zealand. Heather Barker Vermeer has joined us as Editor, working alongside long-time publishers Simon and Lorraine Lord. Heather is a highly-experienced magazine editor and writer, having worked with organisations from large corporates to small businesses across a variety of business sectors.

Heather has a passion for human interest storytelling and enjoys helping individuals and organisations share their voices – a perfect fit for Franchise New Zealand. Over two decades working in and alongside the media, Heather has developed a wide understanding of many industries, from hospitality to education, finance to technology, sales to health.

‘I’m a firm believer in the power of words to shape and share who we are,' says Heather. 'I look forward to extending my knowledge about the franchise world and its people, helping more Kiwis connect through the wealth of opportunities that franchising brings. I’m keen to work with our team of writers and contributors to inspire readers and clients alike, while adding renewed energy across all our media.’

Another new face is our Senior Designer Stu Sutherland of Smokeylemon, who joined us in December. New Plymouth-born, Stu studied graphic design at Massey University in Wellington then worked in the advertising industry in Auckland for over five years before returning to Taranaki with his young family. He has experience in everything from magazines and mobile media to websites, making him a valuable contributor to Franchise New Zealand’s multi-media platforms.

‘It’s great to be involved in such a dynamic sector as franchising and to work with such a well-regarded name,’ says Stu. ‘I’m excited to help take Franchise New Zealand into a new era.’

Long-time team member Sally Knight has been appointed General Manager as the business grows under new owners Eden Exchange NZ Holdings Ltd. ‘Eden Exchange is already heavily involved in the franchise sector in Australia, and is a great fit with our existing business,’ Sally says.

Franchise New Zealand will continue to be locally-based to meet the needs of franchise buyers, franchisees and franchisors throughout the country. Eden Exchange bring added resources and expertise to the business, especially in the digital arena, and with Heather and Stu on board we’re looking forward to the future.’

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